Sunday, November 20, 2016

Trip to The Suter Art Gallery

We went to The Suter Art Gallery on Wednesday 9th of November 2016, on a huge bus. When we got to The Suter Art Gallery in Nelson, we waited at the huge glass sliding doors. Esther welcomed us into The Suter Art Gallery. We learned that Bishop Suter left money to Amelia Suter, after he died. She then started the art gallery.       – Christopher.

Esther took us for a quick tour and led us back to where we started. Then she told us about the kowhaiwhai. She lent each of the students a clip board, a pencil, and a sheet of paper with the outlines of three Christmas trees. Then she told us to draw our own kowhaiwhai inside the Christmas trees. After that she took us into a classroom to do clay modelling.      – Mia.

We got to do clay. We made Christmas trees. You have to cut one in half and you need to use that really special stuff to make it stick. You need to put one circle on the bottom. When it goes all hard you can paint it.      – Kody.

Lastly we went to the Queens Gardens. We had a scavenger hunt and a picnic lunch. There were lots of ponds with water and there were eel, geese and ducks. I had so much fun, I want to go there again.     – Georgia D.

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