Saturday, June 20, 2015

Visit to Te Āwhina Marae.

On Friday the 19th June, our whole school visited our local Marae- Te Āwhina Marae. We were welcomed onto the Marae with a pōwhiri by Parklands School whānau class students and tangata whenua. The pōwhiri ended with a fantastic shared morning tea. We then did a quick tour of the Marae and visited the Church and the Wharenui in our colour groups. We finished with a farewell gathering (poroporoaki) to share our thanks before taking buses back to school. After lunch we split into our colour groups again and took part in different activities around the school- poi, waiata, kowhaiwhai patterns, paper weaving, and flax weaving. It was a wonderful day enjoyed by all. It was great to have so many parents able to attend with us and share the experience.

Gathering in the carpark before going to the gates to begin the pōwhiri.

Whaea Sarah from Parklands School outside the Wharekai (dining room) at the beginning of our tour.

Outside Te Kohanga Reo.

The gym.

The Kaumatua Flats.

John Mutu, the Master Carver, at work on carvings for the new buildings.

Whaea Tania talks about Matariki inside the church- Te Āhurewa.
Outside the church- Te Āhurewa.

Gathering for the farewell- poroporoaki.

Gathering outside the Wharenui for the farewell- poroporoaki.


Anonymous said...

hi ats archie i didint get to go but at lookd fun from Archie

Anonymous said...

when we got back from the marae to school we did for went to weving at mr fitse for weving and then i went to my class forflax weving and i gotto finish first out of evrry one and the last ting i did was we sang a song cold aterowa and we sang for five minets from hayley

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

the marae vist was awsom i had so much fun from hayley

Anonymous said...

At the marae was cool with all the carving patins. from Lily

Anonymous said...

the marae it was really fun and my favourite prat was the end.