Monday, February 7, 2011

Week 2: WELCOME TO 2011!!! (Term 1)

Welcome to 2011 everybody!!
We have a bunch of wonderful year 4 and 5 kids that make up our class and I look forward to getting to know you all very well!
I will use this blog to keep you up to date with our learning and what's happening in our class!

The next few weeks we will be learning to...
Value and Respect Diversity in Ourselves and Others
Have a think about what this might mean!

We are also learning how to MANAGE OURSELVES. What sorts of things do we need to manage ourselves for?

The quote of the week is...
The quieter you are, the more you can hear.

And, Finally, the puzzle for this week is...
What is lighter than a feather but even the strongest man still can't hold it for long?

Have a think! Answers will be revealed on Friday....

See you in class, my lovlies!!



Anonymous said...

Lovely to see the class blog alive and active again.


Appleby School

Room 4 said...

Thanks, Allanah!

Unknown said...

Hi Miss Conza
Knock Knock ? Canoe? Canoe who?
Canoe help me with my homework.
Hi to all the class from Lewis

Look forward to meeting you soon Alison

Room 4 said...

Thankyou Alison!
We look forward to meeting you too!
Hope everything goes well with your operation today!
Much Love,

Room 4

Anonymous said...

hello room4 and a special hello to miss conza and SAM! from JackD

Room 4 said...

HI JACK!! Hope you're being good for Mr. Hunt today!

emilieg said...

Hi, what wobbles when it flys?

A Jellycopter

Ha ha ha

Laffs are on me


Room 4 said...

hahahaha good one, Em!

Anonymous said...

hi Room 4 remember be good so you cane go on camp from Jack m