Hey Guys!
The leader of the week is EMILIE! Good work Emilie for showing respect to others and achieving Leader of the Week.
Our answer for last weeks puzzle of the week was "BREATH" which was guessed by Camryn! Well done, Cam!
Our quote of the week this week is:
Comment about what this might be about.
Our Puzzle of the week is:
What can run but never walks,
has a mouth but never talks,
has a head but never weeps,
and has a bed but never sleeps?
This ones tricky! Have a think. If you know what it might be, write it on a piece of paper and put it in the 'Confidence Box' in class.
This week, also, our school is focusing on how we move around the school. Comment on how we might move as a class, and by ourselves around the school. This might be when we are moving as a class to the hall, library or field, or even just moving around during playtime and lunchtime.
HomeFun for this week:
-Spelling Words
-Time Games (on blog)
PLEASE BRING YOUR TOGS and GOGGLES (if you have them) to school everyday!
Looking forward to Meeting the Teacher evening tonight! Should be fun!!
Mrs. Conza
Hi Alice here, I did my home work and I really like the class blog see you in school.
Good Girl, Alice!!
hi room4 and miss conza from tayla
Hi Room 4 Did you know I am in Christchurch. It was fun with family at the weekend but not on Tuesday, or since. Tuesday we were driving to visit Don’s sisters at Sumner when the quake struck. I don’t know how Don managed to control the car which was being rocked from side to side as the ground rolled up and down beneath our wheels. Buildings were losing walls and roofs at the side of the road and terror stricken staff were pouring out on to the pavement. When it stopped we thought to continue on our way but were unable to go across the Ferrymead Bridge to Sumner. We turned around hoping to go back up Ferry Road but in those few moments water was pouring from broken water pipes and liquefaction spreading over the road. We were directed into a nearby car park in the same condition as the road. Locals directed cars to the far side to exit up the road through the sewerage ponds, which was briefly drivable, but much the same as Ferry road. The water was dirty and deep in places and we had no idea what was under it – scary when we could see so much broken road etc. It took over 2 hours in an enormous line of cars – broken bridges, damaged approaches that looked impossible to drive over. I will bring some photos when I come back.
Where we are staying has power, phone and water (cut to half today) but we are conserving and will leave on Friday morning.
Carol, it is so good to hear that you are ok! Thankyou for describing the scene to us. We have written letters to people in Christchurch in class, letting them know we are thinking about them.
We will see you next week. Until then, take care
Love Room 4
hello your are cool
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