Sunday, August 8, 2010

Mama Mia Pizzaria!!

Last week (or was it the week before?)Room 4 made pizza, down in the hall, as a reward for being the tidiest kiwis at LMS.As part of their writing, the students have written articles about the experience. Here are a few tasty portions for you to chew over... 'On Wednesday the 28th of July, Room 4 from Lower Moutere School made pizza in their school hall.' (Sam's introduction) 'Their lovely teacher Mr Armstrong, known affectionately at school as Mr A, taught them how to knead their dough and where pizza came from. Then the students went off to knead their dough and put their toppings on.' ( Genesis' middle part) 'Emilie Gibson had this to say. "My pizza had chicken and red onion. It was delicious." Look out pizza makers, Mr Armstrong and Room 4 are on your tails!' (Emilie's closing statement)


Anonymous said...

That is really great. You did well.

Allanah K

Moturoa Class

Appleby School


Room 8 said...

Yummy Room 4 and congratulations on being tidy LM kiwis. I think you will have to remind Room 8 cos we always forget!! Never mind - well done you guys deserved the prize - Mrs P

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

The pizza looks really yum by looking at it on the screen
From Zara